Saturday, February 20, 2010

Its been quite the week. I had one of my continuity patients go into labor Monday evening. I was pretty excited as she been a really special patient to me. However, I was super disappointed to have to transport her 14 hours later due to complications! :( Her baby ended up being delivered by C/S. After visiting her in the hospital it made me wish even more that I could have delivered her baby... Only God knows. When I went to the hospital the next day I asked her if she was nursing her baby. She shook her head, and began explaining to me that she didn't have any milk. I had to shake my own head, as for some reason 95% of the women hear believe this myth. Needless to say, a few minutes later she was beaming away as her baby began to nurse. I've got to admit, it's pretty satisfying feeling.
Since I wrote my last post, I've gotten a little older...Not so sure about the wiser part! :) The girls went super out on making my birthday special, as well as all the messages and e-mails from everyone back home! THANK YOU all!!! :) Mom and Dad even sent me flowers...My! I felt spoiled! In the evening the girls (20 or so)and I went out to "The Swiss Deli"- a European restaurant that has delicious food. We went after supper for some appetizers (imported meats and cheese..mmmm), cake, and coffee. I was a blast!! hmmm... It was a good day!
I posted pictures below
Please pray for the two exams I have coming up this week. We're getting so close to finishing your assignment!! PTL!

Sending a big hug to the homeland and to those of you from my second home (Belgium :))

"Till next time"

A tribute to my sister:

Yesterday was a special day. Thirty-three years ago my sister Bonnie was born. We had no idea that God's plan for her life here on earth was mapped out for only twenty-seven years, and perhaps in many ways we took her life for granted while she was still here. It just natural to have her part of our lives... until she was taken away from us. And then I realized really how precious her life was, and how fortunate I was to have her as a sister. Her love, life, and everything she taught me has tremendously influenced me in so many ways.

Nelly wrote this little poem in memory of her life...

No Birthdays in Heaven

Should we say she would have been 33
When God's plan was 27?
Can we speak of age while in glorified state
She's no longer counting in heaven?

But in this time-restricted place
On 'would haves' we naturally dwell
Since our minds are too small to conceive of at all
What actually IS for her now! ...

Bonnie is home with her Savior, dwelling forever in the land where no tears or sadness can be found; but what about the rest of us still here? I miss her, and sometimes I long to see and talk to her so much that my heart aches. We soon learned time can heal only to the extent of numbing the pain, but God is the ultimate healer of broken hearts. He provided us with a peace beyond our understanding, and a joy and strength to carry on.
Yes, it has been over 5 years ago now since Bonnie left us with just the memory of her smile. The questions remain still unanswered. Sometimes we even still cry, but when we do they are with tears of hope; hope for that day when we will indeed see her face again. With faith we look ahead to that place where the sun never sets, and where goodbyes are no more. Until then, we strive to do what Bonnie would so often encourage us to do; to “keep on keeping on.”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hey- I'm back. Sorry I missed last week's update.

These past few weeks have been rather packed, both eventfully and emotionally.
In my exhaustion I half seriously/jokingly told the girls I was going to quit. Beth and Bethany threatened to tape me to the wall if I ever came close to making that decision! :) Of course I wouldn't- a rather crazy idea seeing we're so close to finishing...
But that's the great part about the girls here- we're in it together, and we're getting through it together. A definite team. They've been a tremendous encouragement to me, and I sure love them all! :)
This past week we've had a lot of classes on top of our assignments. So in many ways I felt like I was jumping from clinic to class to assignment before falling into bed! :) Friday was my only day off of clinic or class, so I hibernated with my assignment at a coffee shop for 12 hours. The coffee shop owners must have thought I was a little loopy. :S :) But thankfully I was able to get a lot done. Part of me was glad it was a busy week...
Last week I had another continuity gave birth, and then Monday, yesterday and today I handled three more births! :) This morning's shift was insane with lots of patients and complications. But God was gracious and brought us through it. I was close to delivering two babies, but I endorsed my second labor to the next shift about half hour before she delivered.
Come to think of it, yesterday was also a crazy shift. I was helping out with one birth when a 16 year old girl walked in pretty much ready to push her baby out. From looking at her lying on the bed she hardly looked pregnant, and after glancing at her chart I realized she wasn't quite term. But there wasn't much we could do as she was already pushing, except prepare for immediate transport after. A few minutes later I was holding a very tiny but vigorous four pound baby boy in my hands! Because the baby was stabilizing well, we allowed him to stay for awhile to bond and breastfeed with his mom before transporting for more intensive care. Below I've posted a few pictures....
Please pray for me this week that the Lord would not only give me the energy but the joy to continue on with the work He has provided for me here. I also have two continuities that are due to deliver any time- please also pray all goes well.

I guess I should say "Happy Valentines Day!" I actually love the true story behind this day of Saint Valentine.

Well, here's to another week of God's great faithfulness! He never promised life would be easy or painless, but He does promise that He will always be with us!

These two pictures above are of my preterm baby

Continuity of Care Patients

Her nickname is Jem- and she certainly was a "Gem" She delivered on Jan 25

Another patient I grew to love so much!! She delivered on February 1st